Diese sehr auffällige Dose hat meine Freundin Ini (wir sind schon zeit uber 40 jahr befreundet) bekommen zum Geburtstag. Sie ist eine richtige scrap Königin, und darum habe ich eine scrap Dose für sie gemacht. War mal ganz was anderes, aber hat auch viel spass gemacht. Und weil ich hier in mein Arbeitszimmer sitzen bleiben muss, ich laufe ihm Wege ruft da immer wieder eine ;), bastele ich weiter. Das sieht ihr aber das nächste mal. Bis dan, eure Jeany.
So, now I can show you the box in white. I had showed ‘her’ already a bit hidden, but now it is Ok, because the give-away gift has arrived at Beates. I used a very old lace to decorate the box and a rose on the lid. Beate was very pleased with it, so, than I am pleased too. This very appearing box I had made for Ini, my girlfriend (we are already about 40 years time friends), for her birthday. She is a real scrap queen, and that's why I have made a scrap box for her. It was quite a challenge, but I had a lot of fun making it. I used a lot off scrap things to decorate the box. Ini loved it too, so, mission completed. And because I’ve bin banished to my workroom, they say I’m must remain seated, because I disturbed them, I continue making more boxes. This I will show you next time. Until then, yours, Jeany.