Eine kleiner Schutzengel Schachtel, mit Antik Spitze bekleidet. In der Schachtel sitzt auf ein Kissen von Lavendel Blüte ein kleiner Schutzengel.

Liebe Grüße zur euch allen, eure Jeany.
You can never know exactly how something goose if you haven’t experience with it. And if you experiencing it, sometimes it can go fast if it is not that what you thought ...... before you started. So it was with me too. I wanted to try open a shop, just like many other, showing my handmade articles. The only thing I think of it now is, I have admiration for the women who work full of energy in there shops. Well, not my thing, totally not, I have found out. And so 'dies' my little shop a quick death. I hope it rest in peace! :)))
I do prefer the way it goose now, blogging and showing my creations. Now pushing and stress, just doing my handcrafts.
Having said this, we continue. I have made boxes within a little surprise, witch is a little angel. I have them in different looks. And making it is a lot of fun. I'll show you here 2 boxes. A very small box, 7x 9 cm. With a beautiful light gray fabric. On a small cushion of a little lace sits an angel and reads a book. This one is out a panel fabric, there are more different patterns, so I can make many boxes of them. It is 10x 14 cm tall, and also sits on a pillow filled with lavender flowers, a little angel. Surrounded by roses. I call the box, Guardian chest. Because it is meant that, too. I have bought many little angel, so I can make many, because it is such a fun. This beautiful box soon is going to travel. It is a request from Marianne. It is decorated with very old lace. That was the last piece of this lace, it is truly beautiful. But gone is gone. :)
Best wishes to you all, Jeany.