Und so mit wünsche ich euch allen ein wunderschönes Weihnachtenfest . Macht euch ein paar tolle, schöne tagen, und damit ich doch schon hier bin, wünsche ich euch ein guter rutsch ins neue Jahr rein.

Alles liebe eure , Jeany.
It is snowing a lot. A snowstorm makes it almost impossible to go outside, so nothing better to do than to stay indoors and write something here. I have a new 'love' with is making Leporellos, from off fabric or paper, and hide it in a box. This one I made for Christmas. And because it is almost Christmas I also want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas. I hope you have some beautiful days with your loves ones. And I also wish you a good slip into the new year. I hope that 2010 brings you all lots of love and happiness. All your love, Jeany