"Wo wollt ihr dann ihn?" fragte die Frau. Die Patchwork dose wollte nach dem Norden.

Once upon a time there where 4 cardboard boxes who lived with Jeany in a bottle. They were very happy together. But one day, the Red Hart box said "although I'm happy, I want to make a journey, I want to see something of the world." The Patchwork Box said, "that's a good idea, I also would like to travel". "Well," said the pink roses box, "I do the same." The sugary sweet box remained silent. After a while she said "I prefer to stay here, with the woman in the bottle. Maybe someone comes and takes me with him?" "Where do you want to go?" asked the woman the 3 boxes . The Patchwork box wanted to go to the North. "Then I go to the East," said the red Hart box. "no”, said the pink roses box "I want to go a lot further away, I want to go to an other country". So said so done. The woman in the bottle made coats for the 3 boxes, so it was not cold on their travel, and brought them on a Monday to the post 'travel agency'. There the boxes became a beautiful stamp. "Have a nice trip" said the woman in the bottle and then the post was gone. As the woman came back home and made her a cup of tea the sugary box asked "do you think that it takes a long time before someone picks me up?" "no, my dear," the woman laughed, "This weekend comes a very dear girl, and I know she loves pink. She takes you gladly with her. The sugary dose was happy and satisfied. And the 3 boxes? They have finished their journey and now live long and happy in their new home. The End!